Going Beyond Fasting
Reaching out to the homeless
This year, the Amal Care committee took a different approach towards feeding the homeless. Joining hands with Kechara Soup Kitchen, the Amal Care Team as well as the staff of Central Spectrum distributed food, drinks and personal care items to about 200 homeless people at Anjung Singgah on April 6, 2019.
Gotong-Royong Bubur Lambuk
A must during the holy month of Ramadan is the community made Bubur Lambuk to distribute to all. This year, the Amal Care Team organized a gotong-royong bubur lambuk making session at the Masjid Ar-Raudhah, Kg Sg Kembung, Pulau Indah on May 16, 2019. It was attended by members of Amal Care, staff of Central Spectrum as well as committee members from the mosque.
Every Thursday during Ramadan, the Amal Care team as well as staff of Central Spectrum will also distribute Bubur Lambuk to schools and Ramadan bazaars in Pulau Indah. So far more than 250 packs of bubur lambuk have been distributed to primary, secondary and religious schools in Pulau Indah as well as to Ramadan bazaars.