Indonesian Industrial Park Delegation Visits The Selangor Halal Hub
In a joint effort, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia recently scheduled a diplomatic visit from 11 November to 13 November 2018 with the Indonesian Industrial Estate Association (HKI). The purpose of the visit was to better understand the workings of the halal industry in Malaysia.
Led by Mr. Sanny Iskandar, the Chairman of HKI, 33 delegates from the Indonesian industrial park kicked off the visit with a briefing at the Selangor Bio Bay Show Gallery. The delegation of representatives from the industrial park in Indonesia included Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung, PT, Modern Industrial Estate, PT, Krakatau Industrial Estate Cilegon, PT and the Industrial Estate Association of Indonesia, to name a few. The third secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Mrs. Fatimah Alatas as well as Mr. Razif, Senior General Manager of Sales and Marketing & Ms Sim Siaw Cheng, Business Development Manager of Central Spectrum (M) Sdn Bhd also accompanied the delegation on their visit.
In an effort to provide the delegates with a better understanding of the nooks and crannies of the local halal industry, the diplomatic exchange included visits to the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM), the Halal Industry Development Cooperation (HDC) and the Selangor Halal Hub (SHH)/Pulau Indah Industrial Park (PIIP).
During their visit to Pulau Indah, CSSB arranged for an industrial tour of F&N Dairies Manufacturing Sdn Bhd, in an effort to provide the delegates with a better understanding of the complexities of the local halal industry. The delegation was grateful for the briefing and factory visit provided by F&N Dairies Manufacturing Sdn Bhd.