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Our TENLETTERS newsletters are an easy way to keep up-to-date with all our new developments and interesting updates surrounding Pulau Indah and Central Spectrum (M) Sdn Bhd. 

We have much to share with you this quarter, so here’s a recap:

Korean Trade Mission on Halal Cosmetic

Central Spectrum (M) Sdn Bhd (CSSB) recently organized a trade mission to Korea from 10th to 14th October 2018. The purpose was to explore opportunities which may arise from cosmetic manufacturers in Korea that are interested to pursue halal cosmetic…

Discussion with the Minister of MESTECC

Earlier on 6th September, the CSSB management team met with YB Yeo Bee Yin, Minister of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change at MESTECC office, Putrajaya. The meeting focused on the potential collaboration of the development of a Biotechnology…

Build rapport with Shanghai delegation

A signature characteristic of Central Spectrum (M) Sdn Bhd (CSSB) is the congeniality of their management team, especially in fostering ties with foreign counterparts. On September 7, CSSB joined the Selangor State Government to welcome the Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress…

Fostering Ties with Ministry of Industry Indonesia

A signature characteristic of Central Spectrum (M) Sdn Bhd (CSSB) is the congeniality of their management team, especially in fostering ties with foreign counterparts. On the 2nd of August, Dato’ Mahmud Abbas, Managing Director of CSSB was honoured to welcome…

Visit by Taiwan Young Agriculture Ambassador

On 30 August, Central Spectrum was proud to play host to the Taiwan Youth Agricultural Ambassadors delegation. Mr. Vincent Lin, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Agriculture, Taiwan led the 19-member group to visit Selangor Bio Bay Show Gallery and Selangor…

Bioeconomy Day 2018

Bioeconomy Day 2018: Bioeconomy Beyond Borders was held at Wow KL, MATIC on 25 September 2018 from 9am to 5pm. This event was officiated by the young and vibrant minister, YB Yeo Bee Yin. Central Spectrum as the master developer…

Malaysia – China Entrepreneur Conference 2018

Central Spectrum was part of the Selangor State Business Delegation to participate in the 8th Malaysia – China Entrepreneur Conference (MCEC) which took place in Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu province of the People’s Republic of China on 19th September…

Selangor International Expo 2018

Central Spectrum’s Selangor Bio Bay project is blazing a trail towards an era of industrial biotechnology in Malaysia. Managing Director, Dato’ Mahmud Abbas is optimistic that the biotech-themed mixed development project will blossom Malaysia’s biotechnology industry. “Selangor Bio Bay carried…

Worldwide Halal Business Connector at LimKokWing London

London, 21 July 2018 – Limkokwing University London has today signed a Collaboration Agreement with Halal International Selangor (HIS) and European Halal Development Agency (EHDA) to bring about business consultancy and human resource development for Halal market in both regions.…

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